BeQuiet! Pure Wings 2 (BL039): It wouldn’t do without the grooves

Results: Static pressure through a thinner radiator

So, now we get to see what the grooves on the entire surface of the blades, which are typical of BeQuiet! fans, are worth! Judging by the geometry, we were initially concerned that the results might go in a similar direction to the Arctic BioniX F120. But it’s a lot better than that, and the 120 mm Pure Wings 2 even achieves a top price/performance ratio while running very quietly. The best of the fans tested so far.

Results: Static pressure through a thinner radiator

Why is there a missing value sometimes? There may be more reasons. Usually it is because the fan could not be adjusted to the target noise level. Some have a higher minimum speed (or the speed is low, but the motor is too noisy) or it is a slower fan that will not reach the higher decibels. But the results in the graphs are also missing if the rotor is brushing against the nylon filter mesh. In that case, we evaluate this combination as incompatible. And zero in the graphs is naturally also in situations where we measure 0.00. This is a common occurrence at extremely low speeds with obstructions or within vibration measurements.

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BeQuiet! Riddle (2/2025). Can you guess what’s in the photo?

In cooperation with BeQuiet!, we have prepared a cyclical activity for this year, which may be of interest to HWCooling readers. We’ll post a detail of some piece of hardware and you can guess what it is. You can compete (and eventually win something) on a regular basis, with a new challenge every month. But for now, you need to get “to the next round” through the next one, in February. Read more “BeQuiet! Riddle (2/2025). Can you guess what’s in the photo?” »


BeQuiet! Riddle (1/2025). Can you guess what’s in the photo?

Given the great popularity of the (Axagon) riddles format last year, we decided to follow up and continue – this time with BeQuiet!. The product portfolio of this brand is very close to our focus and can make the search for what you see in the photo-detail all the more interesting. We’ll evaluate that at the end of the year and see. But for now, you will need to tackle the first, January challenge. The most successful solvers will be rewarded for that one, too. Read more “BeQuiet! Riddle (1/2025). Can you guess what’s in the photo?” »


BeQuiet! Pure Wings 3 (BL105): Silent, efficient, okay price

Some fans are “too expensive”, others suffer from several technical imperfections. Naturally, these come from being made cheaper, but there is also an attempt to strike a sort of… balance. This, for example, from BeQuiet!, with its Pure Wings models. We compared the latest variants with serial number 3 (Pure Wings 3) in detail with massive competition in 120mm format. And they can be described as the most perfect in history. Undoubtedly. Read more “BeQuiet! Pure Wings 3 (BL105): Silent, efficient, okay price” »


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