DeepCool FT12: Evolution in 120mm format

Results: Static pressure w/o obstacles

With the FT12 fans, DeepCool has departed somewhat from the aerodynamic design of the older FK120 models, which is also reflected in their different functioning. In some ways it’s a change for the better, in some ways for the worse, but overall the fans are attractive. One of the reasons is the unconventional design, which allows you to see inside the motor. The housing is in fact clear and you can also light up underneath.

Results: Static pressure w/o obstacles

Explanatory note: We measure the static pressure without obstacles in two different situations – with laminarized and with turbulent intake. The results in this section reflect the first case. That is, the air intake to the impeller is laminarized by the guidance tunnel. In this setup, the fan has a larger volume of air available and the achieved static pressure values are higher. This is the optimum environment in which to measure fan parameters correctly. “Higher is better” (the result of static pressure in the charts) is only valid for comparing fans of the same formats. We have discussed what the quantity “static pressure” means and how to understand it in this article.

Why is there a missing value sometimes? There may be more reasons. Usually it is because the fan could not be adjusted to the target noise level. Some have a higher minimum speed (or the speed is low, but the motor is too noisy) or it is a slower fan that will not reach the higher decibels. But the results in the graphs are also missing if the impeller is brushing against the nylon filter mesh. In that case, we evaluate this combination as incompatible. And zero in the graphs is naturally also in situations where we measure 0.00. This is a common occurrence at extremely low speeds with obstructions or within vibration measurements.

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Comments (2) Add comment

  1. The results seem to indicate that this fan is optimized for RPM-normalized performance instead of noise-normalized performance, and little attention being paid to its behaviour on obstacles. Surprisingly disappointing to me especially vs. the excellent FT14.

    1. In addition to facing significantly less competition, the FT14 has a narrower blade inclination. It’s significantly larger on the FT12 and although the frontal profile of the fan looks great, even for use on obstacles, it does have some weaknesses. Similar in nature to Arctic’s F fans, for example, although in the case of the FT12 they don’t manifest themselves as noticeably. With fans, an overall aerodynamic design is significantly more efficient for all scenarios. 🙂

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