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Do you want to help HWCooling? Discuss (constructively)

Let's get the hardware discussions going

If you take the time after reading one of our articles and feel like leaving a comment in the discussion, we’d love to hear from you – you’ll be supporting us more than you might think. Of course, the bottom line is “having something to say” and the main goal is to increase the value of the articles through your comments. Feel free to oppose our claims or you can confirm them from your experience.

Given the above-average experience that the typical HWCooling reader possesses, we would like to appeal to you to express yourselves more, if possible, in the discussions below articles. By doing so, we can achieve the following:

  1. Even more complete information, where, for example in tests, you can confront our findings with other conclusions. Or fill in things that are missing in the articles. Although we try to look at things from as many perspectives as possible, we still don’t see “everything”. And it will be guaranteed to be beneficial if you deepen the level of knowledge from your own experience.
  2. Higher value of advertising units, allowing HWCooling to invest in resources that can enhance the quality of articles in a variety of ways. Whether it is a reduction in typos (by paying a proofreader), a clearer composition of the style (there will be more time for it once the work is spread out among more people), more articles in English with more accurate translation, especially terminologically (we want to push this forward prospectively, but again… we need more resources), or the expansion of the test portfolio itself. One of the long-term goals is to build a detailed comparison of the properties of thermal pastes and pads, but we currently do not have the funds for this. More lively discussions are usually linked to higher traffic (readers who have already read the article return to the comments…), which would help us a lot in this direction.

However, calling for activity does not mean commenting on something at all costs, that would be counterproductive – we’d rather have no discussions than those that lead nowhere. And also you don’t have to come to praise us, instead you should complain and ideally at us. From time to time we notice various objections to certain methods or to the way data is evaluated, and it is frustrating that we can’t respond to them. If you have a factual objection to something, the discussions under the articles on HWCooling are the place where we discuss everything in detail.

It is appropriate and deserving to thank all those who share our articles as a source of information in various places on the Internet. This is tremendous help, and we can still function because of it. We appreciate it very much. When this or that isn’t being discussed here, it’s great to see that we don’t do a lot of things unnecessarily and they are being discussed elsewhere where there is already a community. But we will always strive to build a healthy community based on the pillars of the knowledge society here at HWC. It would be absolutely perfect if you could mostly discuss among yourselves, and in the meantime we will always serve you something new and informatively attractive. 🙂

English translation and edit by Jozef Dudáš