Passive mode (+ prints of the compound)
The original fans are quite slow, so it was especially fascinating to watch how the heatsink behaved with settings that are not intended for it – with a proper airflow through the ribs. Not only with both fans, but also with just one. Some results really surprised us. And the temperatures in the passive mode are very interesting too, one of the reasons why Ninja coolers have such a good reputation.
Passive mode
Prints after the disassembly
- Contents
- How we were testing
- Cooling the MOSFET-s
- With the same fans
- Passive mode (+ prints of the compound)
- Conclusion
Thank you. Awesome comprehensive testing!
This test is hard to read. Why are some graphs empty? What is @24V? Is it 2x 12V or do you actually put 24V through the fans?
These noctua fans take 24v stock. 24v = max rpm on the industrial models.
Passive Cooling means no fans attached to it ?? am I right ?
Sorry for late reply. Passive cooling mean that heatsink haven’t a fan on its ribs but the system cooling is active.