We are preparing a big test of fans. Do you have some tips?

How to handle fans?

We’re gathering 120mm fans to make a big comparative test for you. We will have all categories represented: cheap, expensive, slow, fast, with various bearings types, optimized for system cooling, optimized for heatsinks, and so on. We already have the idea about the test procedures, but we don’t want to omit your tips, feel free to leave some in comments.

In this brief preview, we will describe the basic test procedures which we’d like to extend with your specific requests.

Tests will be done under standard circumstanced, using fans to cool a PC case (our wind tunnel), and then heatsink. Both of these configurations will be used with fans designed for system cooling as well as those for coolers. It will be interesting to see how much can an “inappropriate” fan decrease efficiency.

Our workplace with the wind tunnel which will be equipped with a dust filter at the intake, and there will be some spiral grids at the outtake. These things can also affect the efficiency

As usual, we will set the fans to different fixed noise levels. From almost totally quiet low-speed operation to loud and “windy“ mode. The cooling performance will be determined by the CPU and GPU (+ VRM) temperatures, components with the highest consumption.

We consider the minimal speed as one of the key features of fan testing (both with linear regulation by fixed voltage, and with the pulse modulation control that allows the lowest-speed operation). We will measure consumption too since it determines the overall quality of a fan too. Please, if you have any tips, let us know in the comment section. Thanks!

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Arctic S12038-4K: Massive fan for harsh conditions

A totally different type of fan than the ones we normally deal with. The Arctic S12038-4K is designed for high-performance servers, which is also reflected in its features. Very high airflow is provided by as much as 4000 rpm. And in order to ensure that the cooling performance does not drop significantly even through obstacles, the “extreme” Arctic fan has a profile that is as thick as 38 mm. Read more “Arctic S12038-4K: Massive fan for harsh conditions” »


Elegant first. The Aorus EZ Chain Fan 120 Ice is a neat piece

Gigabyte has put together a fan that combines ARGB LEDs, clever daisy chaining using connectors in the frame, and very good results on radiators. All of that for an attractive price. The design of the Aorus EZ Chain Fan 120 Ice seems to be optimized for use on radiators in particular. In fact, these are the cheapest ARGB fans with daisy chaining and this kind of efficiency that we’ve ever tested. Read more “Elegant first. The Aorus EZ Chain Fan 120 Ice is a neat piece” »


BeQuiet! Pure Wings 3 (BL105): Silent, efficient, okay price

Some fans are “too expensive”, others suffer from several technical imperfections. Naturally, these come from being made cheaper, but there is also an attempt to strike a sort of… balance. This, for example, from BeQuiet!, with its Pure Wings models. We compared the latest variants with serial number 3 (Pure Wings 3) in detail with massive competition in 120mm format. And they can be described as the most perfect in history. Undoubtedly. Read more “BeQuiet! Pure Wings 3 (BL105): Silent, efficient, okay price” »


Comments (3) Add comment

  1. Zdravím,
    moje tipy sú:
    – prietok vzduchu/hlučnosť keď je na na ventilátory prachový filter a/alebo keď je na radiátore vodného chladenia alebo nejakého klasického chladiča ako Noctua U14, bonus by bol skúšať aj push-pull kombináciu
    – hlučnosť a prietok vzduchu pri rovnakej hlučnosti a pri 50% a 100% otáčkach
    – minimálne otáčky z nuly, štartovacie napätie
    – priebeh otáčok v závislosti od napätia a PWM
    – otáčky pri 5V, 7V, 12V, 25%, 33%, 50%, 75%, 100% PWM
    – grafy kde na X osi sú otáčky a na Y osi hlučnosť, prietok vzduchu, PWM/napätie
    – napísať či ventilátor nevýdavá pazvuky pri nízkych otáčkach, ako sa chová jeho hlučnosť keď je mriežka skrinky alebo prachový filter pred alebo za ventilátorom
    – spotreba alebo prúd ktorý ventilátor odoberá
    – dĺžka kábla, váha ventilátora, počet lopatiek
    – ako silno vibruje

    Zaujímavý bonus by bol test prietoku vzduchu jedného či dvoch ventilátorov (jeden s malým a druhý s veľkým vodným stĺpcom) pri rôznych prekážkach ako drôtená mriežka, honeycomb, jemný, hrubý prachový filter alebo chladiče s rôzným rebrovaním.

  2. I’d like to know if the overexpensive rgb fans are up to par to the non-rgb competitors.

    thank you

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